Just Be

La Isla Project

Click here for the original Instagram post

I Will Be Your Mirror |

We are very happy to announce that today we are launching the website of La Isla Project where you can start to discover the details about our first official workshop Just Be.

From the 2nd to the 5th of August 2023. Four on-location days immersed in the beautiful and variegated island nature of Ibiza we will explore new creative dynamic putting together different arts.

For this first workshop our special guests will be the choreographer and dancer @cvetla_ni, the videomaker & dancer @kadmondrago and the singer Shakima!

Here you can see a video co-created by them:

Here you can find all of the info about this event.

This is our creative production team: @marcoferraris_photo @nuzzocozzamara
@davidcaravaggio @cris_uri @jessicavanzie

Send us a private message if you want to know more!

Enjoy us 🙂

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